ISO 9001 Certification in Bangladesh

M/S OSS Certification Services Pvt Ltd is an independent organization, founded in the year 2008, in New Delhi, India. The organization is managed by highly dedicated & experienced professionals. We have build up credibility for our services of Management System Certification, third party inspection, and Lead Auditor Training among the customers throughout, by value-added services delivery to Customer.



When the organization is looking for overall performance enhancement of the organization considering the all-possible aspects, such as Enhancement of productivity, profitability, new business opportunity, customer Satisfaction enhancement, reductions in rejections of products etc so on. The industry experts ISO Certification services providers in Bangladesh have view that the organization can achieve these expectations, within the organization’s limited resources and facility, when the organization work as per the standard business practices by adopting Quality Management System in the organization by implementation of QMS and ISO 9001 Certification in Bangladesh by accredited ISO Certification body.

ISO 9001 Certification in Bangladesh

What is Quality Management System, that can help the organization to meets expectations of the organizations after ISO 9001 Certification in Bangladesh?

Quality Management System Standard is an ISO 9001:2015, this QMS Standard was published by international organization of Standardization (ISO), in view that even a small or medium organization where resources are limited can compete the market and meets the all-organizational needs. When the management of the organization take the decision to adopt ISO 9001:2015 -Quality Management System in the organization for implementation. In this QMS standard there are requirements provided for the organization for implementation, which can add lots of value to organization for further enhancements of overall performance in all possible aspects in systematic way. The requirements are

  • Context of the organization
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operation
  • Performance evaluation
  • Improvement

When the organization implement these ISO 9001 requirements by proper Training to their process owner, QMS documentations and maintain the necessary records. The organization will gradually improve its performance and meets the its clients’ requirements consistently, without any extra efforts. This QMS standard build the eco system of the organization such a way that the organization can meets all the possible expectations of the organization. Only it is required that the organization maintain the proper system, documents & records prior to get ISO 9001 Certification in Bangladesh. These are the following are the key requirements of ISO 9001 accordingly the organization can develop, maintain the documents & records respectively:

  • The organization established the Quality Policy and Objective
  • Develop the Standard operating procedures of all the key process
  • Established the role & responsibility of each process owner
  • Provide the Training to all employee on QMS requirements, Quality Policy of the organization, make then aware about the customer requirements along with applicable regulatory requirements (if any).
  • Identify the possible issues may be internal or external -which are affecting the overall organizational performance -such as Technology, Knowledge, market competition, economy, legal etc. do the proper Risk analysis, take proper control measure as best possible to find the opportunity for improvements for further reduce the significant of these issues.
  • Make the arrangement of necessary resources for the organization -such as competent people, infrastructure, Raw Material, Work Environment for the operations, necessary organizational knowledge for the reference to every one in the organization for the operations, necessary equipment for monitoring & measurements if the process needed for monitoring to meets the customer requirements etc so on.
  • Develop the criteria of the Products and Process for acceptance
  • Maintain the monitoring the measurements records of Process and products to ensure that the customer requirements are meets at every process, so that end of the products meets the customer requirements.
  • After implementation of above activities do the proper Internal Audit to verify the effectiveness of implemented QMS.
  • Conduct the Management review meeting periodically to ensure the suitability of the QMS of the organization, provide the resources need for further continual improvements etc.

How the organization can apply for ISO 9001 Certification in Bangladesh?

As above described the ISO 9001 requirements and implementation of ISO 9001:2015, the organization contact to ISO Certification Bangladesh providing ISO Certification services. Get the proposal and ISO Certification process details from ISO Certification Body to know that Cost of ISO 9001 Certification and process involve in certification. Once proposal received from Certification body, then apply for ISO 9001 Certification to get ISO Certified, after Certification Audit performed by Certification Body Auditors.

What are the benefits of ISO 9001 Certification for the organization?

The Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification are

  • Customer Satisfaction Enhancements
  • Overall, all performance enhancement of the organization, which will enhance the productivity and profitability of the organization
  • Provides the opportunity for new business to the organization
  • Helps the organization for building the credibility of the organization
  • Reduced the rejections of the organization which add the overall financial gain to organization.

Why Choose us for ISO 9001 Certification in Bangladesh for your organization?

We are one of leading accredited ISO Certification body for management system certification providing services of accredited ISO Certification services in Bangladesh. We provide the accredited ISO Certification services of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001 Certification, which are most widely required by the organization for certification in Bangladesh. Apart from these management system certifications we provide the Lead Auditor Training and Third-Party Inspection services in Bangladesh to meets the organizational needs and support the organization with professional value-added services for further enhancement of the organizational performance, helping the organization for further building the leadership in the market at national and international level. The organization can get all processional certification services at single accredited ISO Certification Body, which can help the organization to save time and Cost of Certification, Inspection & Lead Auditor Training etc. so on.


Please find below contact details and contact us today! Our experts always ready to help you.

Mobile No: +91-9910060579 , 9818800579 , 9821993863

Email: [email protected]

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