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What is ISO 9001 Certification Requirements of Support Clause #7


iso certificationISO 9001 Certification is a Quality Management System standard (QMS) – where an organization adopts this Quality Management System Standard for implementation in the organization for enhancement of process performance, customer satisfaction and overall productivity of the organization by getting ISO 9001 Certification. ISO 9001:2015 standard has many requirements where support is the one of key requirements of ISO 9001:2015 which is given in clause# 7.  In this clause following sub- Clauses & requirements as described below.

  • Resources
  • Competence
  • Awareness
  • Communication
  • Documented information

As there are five key requirements under this clause #7 – Support – which is important for an organization as Quality Management System (QMS) to meet the customer requirements and deliver the products or services to clients.

Now we are taking the opportunity to Explain the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Clause# 7 in more detail along with the documentation requirements of Each sub- Clauses. So that the reader of the Blog can get the benefits of understanding the requirements and do better implementation for getting ISO 9001 Certified by an ISO Certification body.


What is ISO 9001 Certification?

ISO 9001 Certification is a process of Assessment and certifying the implemented Quality Management System in the organization after verifying the compliances of QMS implementation. Where ISO 9001 Certification is Quality Management System Certification.  Generally, when the organization sought for ISO Certification for the ISO 9001:2015 Standard, they apply to ISO Certification body and ISO Certification Body Auditor visit the client site, perform the Audit against the Audit Criteria after the satisfactory Audit outcome, the organization becomes ISO 9001 Certified organization. This all about the ISO 9001 Certification process.


Requirements of ISO 9001 Clause # 7 – Support

As per ISO 9001:2015 Standard, the Clause # 7 – Support has five sub-clauses as given below

  • Resources
  • Competence
  • Awareness
  • Communication
  • Documented information

So, when the organization is planning for implementation of QMS Standard for ISO 9001 Certification, these five sub-clauses have to be Look into during the implementation in the organization. Being and Accredited ISO 9001 Certification services provider, we are taking an opportunity to explain the requirements along with documents required by this clause. So that the organization can have the better understating while implementation of Quality Management System for getting ISO 9001 Certified.


As we know that to run organization resources are required, where all the resources are equally important for the organization to run and deliver the products and services to client as per their requirements.  Where ISO 9001:2015 Standard following key resources has to look into at least by the organization


Quality-Management-System-Standard-CertificationAs per requirements the organization identify requirements of individuals for the effective implementation of quality management system and operation and control of different processes/ activities of the organization.  So, As per this requirement the organization prepared the competency matrix of required individual for different position in the organization.

For Example – The Competency Matrix can have at least following information :

  • Position
  • Qualification required
  • Experience Required
  • Knowledge required
  • Training Required
  • Skill required

So, while implementing the QMS for this sub-clause, the organization will have at least the Record of Competency Matrix


The organization needs the infrastructure to run the business – (For example- Buildings and associated utilities; equipment, including hardware and software; transportation resources; and information and communication technology) for the operation of its processes/ activities and the attainment of product and service conformity. So, maintain the compliances of this clause the organization will have the following document information

  • List of Machinery & Equipment
  • Record of maintenance of Machinery & Equipment (if applicable)

Environment for the operation of processes

The Environment for the operation of processes has important significant for the operation of its processes and the achievement of product and service conformity. So, the organization has to look into the all-possible environmental aspects in the organization. which should be suitable for operation of process and services to meets the customer requirements.

for Example- temperature, heat, humidity, light, airflow, hygiene, noise

Along with Human and physical factors affective the performance of work and work environment of the organization.

Monitoring and measuring resources

This requirement is applicable to organization, when the organization is using any measuring and monitoring equipment for inspection & Testing of Products, services.  If organization do not require any instruments for monitoring measurements of products. Then this clause many be excluded. But if the organization using the Monitoring and measuring for Inspection & Testing of the products, then this requirement is applicable to organization. In this condition the organization to keep the at least following record to demonstrate the compliances

  • List of Measuring and Testing Equipment
  • Record Calibration and Traceability
  • Record of Instruments History of maintenance, repair, currents status, service etc

Organizational knowledge

As per the requirements the organization identify the knowledge required for the operation of its processes and the attainment of product and service conformity. And keep the at least Following information as Organizational Knowledge

  • knowledge gained from experience
  • Lessons learned from failures and successful projects
  • Capturing and sharing undocumented knowledge and experience
  • Results of improvements in processes, products, and services
  • Standards
  • Academia
  • Comparisons
  • Gathering knowledge from customers or external providers

Closing Note

In this Blog we have covered the only Resource requirement of ISO 9001:2015, in our next Blog we will cover the rest of the Requirements of Clause #7 of QMS – the following requirements will be explained next blog of this clause are

  •  Competence
  • Awareness
  • Communication
  • Documented information

This above explanation will help the organization for effective implementation of ISO 9001:2015 Standard in the organization for getting ISO Certified organization.


Also Read – Requirement of ISO 9001-Clause# 6-Planning 


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