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Role And Responsibilities of Third Party Inspection Agency In India

Third Party Inspection means an independent inspection that is carried out by an experienced team or a person who is trained to check the products for their customer. OSS Certifications Services strives to provide the widest range of Third Party Inspections. This Third Party Inspection Agency works with numerous sectors like Inspection of

  • Welding & Fabricated Metal Products,
  • Machinery and Equipments-Crane
  • Pipes & Gas Pipe Lines,
  • Wholesale and Retail Trade,
  • Transportation & Storage,
  • Plastic & Rubber Products,
  • Electrical Products
  • Textile and Textile Products
  • Leather and Leather Products
  • Tower Fabrication/ Erection and many more.

Why should you contact a Third Party Inspection Agency?

A third-party inspection means the inspector will neither be the buyer nor the seller. The third-party inspector will ensure quality and quantity, check the final product is in accordance with the customer’s requirements and they are completely satisfied with the end result. The product is safe and healthy to use, while also ensuring it is prepared in a cost-effective and waste-free manner. This reduces the risk of defective products to a great extent. The Third Party Inspection Agency inspects in a way to help the company become better and provides tough competition in the market.

Roles and Responsibilities of Third-Party Inspection Agency

Maintain Confidentiality
When a third-party investigation is done, the main aim is to keep the trust and confidence of the client for the product intact. The information gathered from both the buyer’s and seller’s end must be kept confidential by the inspector.

Must have Knowledge About the Product
This is extremely essential, as to conduct an investigation the inspector and the company must have appropriate knowledge about the product so as to easily analyze the problems in the product and deliver a quick and detailed report.

Schedule Inspection timely
The inspection should be aligned and coordinated with the project delivery deadline so as to present the report timely.

Inspection Report shared on Time

Delays in inspection and report submission can cause major cost overruns for the product or project. Thus this factor should be assessed before finalizing the product submission date.

Help improve the confidence of customers in the product
Once the inspection has been done the third-party investigator puts a seal on the products investigated which build the confidence of the customer in the product and the company.

Help in improving the quality of the product
By performing inspections like Pre-production inspection, Production inspection, Random inspection, and Container Loading inspection; the inspector always keeps the company on their toes to constantly work hard to provide quality goods.

Check back on the parent company end
Sometimes the parent company might miss some flaws and this is where a third-party inspection agency comes in to deal with the situation in the most impartial manner.

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