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Top 10 Reasons To Require ISO Certification In India

The benefits of ISO Certification in India are numerous. Still, you may wonder if ISO 9001 certification is suitable for your business. No matter how big or small the company is, the ISO 9001 quality management standard can make a big difference to your business.

The ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard is the world’s best-known and widely used standard for a quality management system.

Why should your organization receive ISO Certification?

1. Greater customer satisfaction

If your operational processes run smoother and more efficiently and your product or service quality has improved, your customers will be happier. In fact, companies that have gone through the ISO 9001 certification process have reported that their customers are more satisfied. Increased customer satisfaction not only leads to greater customer loyalty, but satisfied customers are willing to pay more

2. Achieve international quality recognition

ISO 9001 is a worldwide standard managed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 9001 is currently used by over one million organizations around the world! It really is a worldwide quality standard! The ISO 9001 certification puts your company in a very select group.

3. Improve the company and product quality

A quality management standard is all about quality. Of course, a result of introducing a QMS should be improved quality for the entire organization – every process and every product. A well-thought-out, effectively implemented ISO 9001 quality management system will get your business on the path to quality.

4. More Revenue and Profit

Customers want quality and reward companies that offer them. For this reason, ISO 9001-certified organizations are not only perceived as more competent but also more paid than non-ISO 9001 companies.
ISO 9001 companies also report better revenue growth and improved financial performance (based on return on investment). In addition, 85% of ISO 9001-certified companies reported higher demand for their products or services and an increase in market share.

5. Improved Processes

ISO 9001 is a comprehensive framework that addresses all key processes in the business. From such a perspective, ISO 9001 not only leads to quality products and services, but also to improved production and service delivery with less rework and lower costs. The ISO 9001 standard is all about quality processes.

6. Better decision-making

Good decision-making is the key to success. ISO 9001’s structured quality management framework provides management with both information and processes for making factual decisions based on evidence. This will help you improve your decision-making process.

7. Better credibility and better perception

The ISO 9001 Certification is a clear indication that a company is committed to quality. Because ISO 9001 is the world’s best-known quality standard, your potential customers automatically have a better perception of your business when you promote your ISO 9001 certification in India. An ISO 9001 certification marks increases the credibility of advertising and marketing.

8. Focus on Management and Employees

The ISO 9001 quality management system allows the company to remain focused on its objectives and constitutes a quality audit. ISO 9001 certification requires the company to periodically check its quality processes. Regular process audits when done correctly, provide the objective information needed to correct any deviations from the quality process and allow the company to remain focused on its objectives.

9. Meets the requirements for government contracts

Obtaining government contracts may require a tendering process. ISO 9001 helps to make your organization succeed with public sector workers. For some municipalities and government authorities, ISO 9001 Certification may be a prerequisite.

Not only governments but also private companies tend to make ISO certification a prerequisite. In particular, companies that have obtained ISO 9001 certification require the same from their suppliers.

10. Reduces costs

By improving your quality management system with ISO 9001, you will have to do less rework as fewer problems with your products or services occur. Improved business processes make production and service efficient and error-free, resulting in lower costs and better results. It’s a win for the company and its customers.

Therefore, ISO certification in India is not only useful for the company seeking certification. It also offers tremendous benefits to the customers.


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