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A Complete Guide for ISO 22000 Certification for Beginners

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Guide for ISO 22000 Certification

This Blog is related to Food Safety Management System (FSMS) -ISO 22000. we are writing this blog in view of those organizations – that are new to ISO 22000 Standard (Food Safety Management System) and in the business of Food Supply chain – such as Farming, Processing, Manufacturing, Retailing, Packaging, Transportation, etc.  The Business organization – that wants to improve Food Safety in their supply chain to enhance customer satisfaction, Reduce Rejection and improve compliance with Food Safety Legal / Regulatory compliances.

But Being new to this Food Safety Management System (FSMS) ISO 22000 Standard, it is quite possible to have several questions for the organization about this FSMS. Such as – What are the requirements of ISO 22000, How to adopt and Implement it in the organization, How this ISO 22000 will be beneficial for our organization for the Enhancement of Food Safety in the complete supply chain, and what are documents and records required to be maintained in the organization, How to get ISO 22000 Certification, what is the cost of Involve for getting this ISO 22000 Standard Certification and What are the benefits of this Certification and the Process of ISO 22000 Certification, etc, so on.

As being vast experience in this particular domain, we know that the new user organization of this FSMS standard has these common questions in mind, before taking any decision for adopting this ISO 22000 Standard for implementation in the organization. So, considering all all-possible questions of the new user organization – we are providing A complete Guide for ISO 22000 Certification for Beginners- which could help a lot of organization who wants to adopt ISO 22000 Standard for implementation and further planning for ISO 22000 Certification (If any).

What is Food Safety Management System -ISO 22000 Certification and its advantages for the organization?

A general basic concept of Food Safety is to prevent the contamination of any type of Food Safety Hazards in Food / Food Products, so food should be safe for time Consumption. Food Safety management is a process/activity which should be applied to the complete food Supply chain with the contributions of the entire team members of the supply chain.

This Food Safety cannot be possible in the supply chain – unless the entire team of the organization/supply chain has contributions towards Food Safety – Which can be possible – with the Proper Knowledge about Food Safety requirements, Hygiene Practices, Lay-out of the Infrastructure, Prerequisite programs, Food Safety regulation applicable, Handling, storage, Preservation, work environment, etc so on.

Now we have a bit of understanding that Food Safety in the organization is the collective efforts of the Entire team members Involved in the organization, including the contributions of each process/activity out-puts.

Further Moving ahead, to know What ISO 22000 – Food Safety Management System (FSMS) standard

The food Safety Management System (FSMS) standard -ISO 22000:2018 – is the latest FSMS standard -published by an international organization of Standardization (ISO)- This standard is a specific standard for those organizations who are in the Food Supply Chain business and wanted to further improve the Food Safety of entire Food Supply Chain, improve the Food Safety Regulator Compliances, enhancement of Customer Satisfaction and reduce the rejection of products at customer end. This FSMS standard has a general requirement of the Food Safety Management System, so any type, size, and activities of the organization can adopt for implementation in the organization.

Guide for ISO 22000 Certification

ISO 22000 -Food Safety Management System (FSMS) helps the organization to improve its overall performance in Food Safety organization, The basic principle of the Food Safety Management System is


– Awareness

– Team Involvement

– prerequisite programs

-Hazard Analysis and Monitoring of the Critical Control Points (HACCP)

-Process approach

– Customer Focus

– Continual Improvements

When the organization planning for ISO 22000- Food Safety Management system implementation and overall performance enhancement of Food Safety in the Supply Chain, adopt this Food Safety principle.

Requirements of ISO 22000 Certification – Food Safety Management System (FSMS)

It is advised to new users to know the detailed requirements of ISO 22000:2018 can refer to the Food Safety Management System Standard (FSMS). As a user-new guideline, we are covering all the key important requirements of the ISO 22000 standard, so that users can have a better understanding of FSMS.

  • Develop the Food Safety Team in the organization and Team Leader as Food Safety Team Leader (FSTL)
  • Develop the Process Flow Chart along with descriptions of the Process
  • Develop the Products Descriptions (Raw Material, Ingredients, product-Contact, End Products, etc)
  • Develop the plant layout and vicinity of the Plant area
  • Identify the Potential Food Safety Hazards and do the Hazard Analysis – where the Food Safety Hazard is a substance contained in Food -which could be a biological, chemical, or physical substance that could have a negative impact on health.  Food Safety Hazard analysis is a most important requirement for Food Safety – So that organizations should identify the Potential or present contaminated Food Safety Hazards from Food, do proper analysis to find out the sources -which are leading to Food Safety Hazards contamination, and take necessary action to prevent contamination in Food Products.
  • Identification of Internal and External issues of the organization, affecting the FSMS of the organization and do the proper Risk Analysis, take appropriate actions to mitigate.
  • List out the needs and expectations of the Interested Party (such as customer, regulatory Body, etc, and so on)
  • Develop the Food Safety Policy and Objective and communicate this Food Safety Policy within the organization for awareness, also make it available for Interested parties (where possible). From time to time review the Food Safety Policy & objective.
  • Define the Role & responsibilities of all Team members of the organization related to Food Safety and ensure at least one person in the organization is responsible as Food Safety Team Leader (FSTL)
  • Ensure that the Infrastructure and work environment of the organization is appropriate to support the Food safety of the organization and able to prevent any contaminations of Food Safety Hazards.
  • Ensure that People in the organization are enough competent and aware of Food Safety, Food Safety Hazards, Personal Hygiene, Sanitations, Health issues, HACCP, CCP, PRP, OPRP, Customer requirements, Potential Emergency Situations, Food Safety legal & regulatory requirements, Product Handling, and Disposal, etc so on. Also, Timely training is provided to than to keep updated
  • Timely Monitoring facilitates the prevention and/or reduction of contaminants (including food safety hazards) in the products, product processing, and work environment.
  • Develop the Traceability System – which may be – Product name /Number, Date of Manufacturing, Batch no / Lot Number, Best before Use, etc – so that it can be recalled/withdrawn, as when there are any issues in the products, also to it can help to take necessary action to as when needed.
  • Identify the Potential Food Safety Emergency situation and its preparedness, also from time to time Test the preparedness, to ensure that it is working to meet the purpose.
  • Develop the HACCP plan, Monitor the CCP, and OPRP, and from Time to time validate the HACCP plan and update it.
  • Develop the system for Handling potentially unsafe products and Disposition of nonconforming products.
  • Develop the system for Withdrawal/recall of products, as when it is required.
  • List out the Applicable Legal and Regulatory requirements applicable and ensure they comply.
  • Monitor the overall Food Safety Performance of the organization
  • Develop the system for Timely internal Audit of implemented Food Safety Management System
  • Develop the system for Timely Management Review on implemented Food Safety Management System

These are summarised requirements of ISO 22000, which could help the organization to develop a better understanding of ISO 22000:2018 Standard and also for getting ISO 22000 Certification.  But it is always advised for more detailed requirements of FSMS must refer to ISO 22000:2018 standard along with these said requirements.

For more detail read ISO 22000 Certification-Requirements Businesses Need To Meet And Fulfill

What are Documents and Records required to be maintained in the organization for ISO 22000 Certification?

As we have understood the Food Safety Management System requirements, the documents & records required for ISO 22000, are to meet the compliance of requirement. So, there could be several documents & records – depending on the Nature, size & activities of the organization, there is no limit to Keeping the documents & records. But some of the Key Important documents must be maintained at least in the organization in Compliance with ISO 22000, for ISO 22000 Certification.

The important documents and record for ISO 22000 Certification, the organization keep available (at least) prior to ISO 22000 Certification

  • Food Safety Manual
  • SOP
  • Food Safety Policy and Objective
  • Food Safety Hazard Analysis
  • Risk Analysis Record
  • Record of applicable Legal and Regulatory Requirements and their Compliances
  •  Training Record
  • HACCP plan
  • Monitoring Record of CCP, PRP & OPRP
  • Corrective action Record
  • Internal Audit Record
  • Management Review Record

Apart from these documents & records, the organization may keep all the possible compliance documents & records, as it is not limited, all depends on the organization, activities, processes, and products.

How to get ISO 22000 Certification?

After the implementation of the ISO 22000:2018 Standard in the organization, apply to ISO Certification Body, to know the cost of ISO 22000 Certification and complete ISO 22000 Certification. After the receipt of the application and acceptance of the Cost involved in ISO 22000 Certification. The ISO Certification Body will assign the Audit Team for an onsite Audit. Based on Audit Findings the Certification Body will issue the ISO 22000 Certification to the client organization, after the necessary post-audit process. These are the key activities to getting ISO 22000 Certification.

What is the cost involved in ISO 22000 Certification?

Generally, there are two types of costs involved in ISO 22000 Certification.

  1. Cost of ISO Consultancy – where the organization appoints a professional ISO Consultant for Training, Designing, Development & Implementation the Food Safety Management System in the organization. The organization wanted to reduce this cost, then they can do the self-implementation of FSMS in the organization, with proper knowledge of ISO 22000:2018 requirements.
  2. Cost of ISO 22000 Certification charged by Certification Body

Basically, these are two types of Cost Involved in ISO 22000 Certification, other than the cost of any infrastructure changes (if any).

What are the Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification to the organization?

After reading this blog, then you could have understood that ISO 22000 is most important for any organization, who are in the Food Supply chain Business and there are several benefits of ISO 22000 implantation and Certification. But a Few of our most prominent Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification are listed below

  • Enhancement of Food Safety Performance of the organization
  • Enhancement of Food Safety Legal Compliances
  • Enhancement of Customer Satisfaction
  • New Potential Business Opportunity
  • Credibility and Reputations of the Organization Enhanced
  • Reduced the Rejection and Customer Complain


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