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Benefits of ISO 45001 Certified

In this Blog, we are wanted to make you aware that the Benefits of an ISO 45001 Certified organization, are not just having the ISO 45001 Certification at once how. The organization is serious about the benefits of ISO 45001 Certified. must look at the below explanation and detailed requirements. which could help the organization attain the real benefits of ISO 45001 Certified organization.

Human resource is the key asset of the organization, which brings the organization to the top profit-making organization, with their Hardworking and efforts.

Human Safety in the organization is the key priority for most of the organization. So that the organization’s work environment is safe for working people, safe for Guests, and neighbors.

Benefits of ISO 45001

The government has also taken many initiatives for the Health and safety of workers / People in the organization.

There are many regulations and acts that have been published by the origination of the Industry/organization related to the Health and safety of the Working People/ workers in the organization. Where an organization is required to implement the Govt. Regulation in the organization to ensure that the Health and safety of the Working People /worker etc are complying with the Health and safety regulations.

The Following are common regulations of Govt.

The Factory Act, State-wise Factory Rules, Emergency Planning Preparedness, and Response Rules, Storage of Hazardous Material / Chemical Rules, Control of Major Accident and Hazardous Rule, The Indian Boiler Acts, etc

Also, the are many regulations, which can be found through the Factory Inspector office.

All the rules related to Health and safety are set by Central Govt, and State Govt, in In-view to Keep the Safety of workers / People Working in the organization, Its visitors, and neighbors.

So, to meet the Compliance of legal Requirements and develop the Health and safety culture in the organization. There is ISO 4500:2018 standard. This standard is also known as the Occupational and Health Safety Management System.  If an organization will implement ISO 45001:2018 in the organization, which will create a culture of the organization of health and safety and the same time reduce accidents / Incidents in the organization, Identify the Applicable legal requirement, and meet the Compliances. 

Overview of ISO  45001-2018 Requirements

The Occupational Health and Safety Management System, ISO 45001-2018 is a new Standard. Which is replacing OHSAS 18001. This Standard OHSMS provides a framework for an Organization to manage OHS Risks and provide opportunities to prevent work-related Injury and Ill Health to workers, The Intent outcomes are to improve and provide a safe and healthy Work Place, by improving the overall OHS performance of the organization.

ISO 45001:2018 requirements – As per the requirements of this standard

The organization needs to identify the Hazards involved at the workplace generated due to geographical factors, products, and processes of the organization, Changes in Infrastructure, Human Behaviors, Temporary activities, etc.

identify the internal and external issues related to the worker’s health and safety at the workplace, the organization needs to address the needs and expectations of the interested parties, contractors, outsourced process and personnel, etc

Once the internal, and external issues are identified, the needs and expectations of the interested parties, contractors, outsourced process, and personnel are identified, then the issues shall be categorized as significant and non-significant, then risk assessment has to be done, based on the risk severity the operational control shall be maintained and the effect shall be monitored,

For categorizing the risk, first, the organization shall develop a method for calculating the risk, and the risk assessment shall be done,

When doing all these activities the organization shall make the participation and consultation involving personnel at all levels and the worker’s representative, the organization shall provide training and awareness to workers at all levels, shall not be limited to the executive level, the participation shall be at worker level also,

The organization shall involve the worker’s representative in the accident investigation also, 

The organization shall monitor the internal-external issues, needs, and expectations of interested parties, Risk Assessment, Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Accidents, and incidents, of OH&SMS Performance. 

Imitate the corrections and corrective action to the nonconformity identified related to OH&SMS.

The Requirement of ISO 45001:2018 is given in Clause # 4 to Clause # 10.

We are trying to explain the Requirement of Clause # 5 and its sub- Clauses How to Implement ISO 45001 Clause # 5 and the benefits of Implementation of ISO 45001 including possible Documentation requirements.

Requirements of Clause: Clause 5.0.

 Leadership and Commitment

As per the requirements, the top management of the organization will take the leadership and commitments towards OHSMS of the organization.

How the Top Management will demonstrate its leadership and Commitments, By followings ways

  • Providing a safe and Healthy Workplace & Activities
  • Preventing the Work-related Ill Health and Injury
  • Creating Health Safety Culture and practice in the organization by integrating the OHS requirements with current business processes and Activities
  • By establishing OHS policy and Objective and ensuring that it is communicated and understood at each level of the organization.
  • Supporting the persons to contribute to the effectiveness of OHS Management
  • Establishing the Role and Responsibility
  • protecting workers from reprisals when reporting incidents, hazards, risks, and Opportunities

Benefits of ISO 45001 of these requirements

  • Health Safety at work Place will improve
  • Accidents / Incidents and Ill Health will reduce
  • Overall OHS Performance will improve
  • Business Losses / Product Man-Hr Losses reduced
  •  OHS related Risk levels reduced

The Top Management Shall Define, Establish, Implement, and maintain the Health and Safety Policy. The Required Contents for The Policy Include Elements Such as A Commitment to Consultation and Participation of Workers. Consultation and Participation of Workers (Including Non-Managerial Workers) Are Significantly Enhanced from OHS 18001, Which Was Limited to Participation in Hazard Identification and Consultation on Changes. In ISO 45001 The Organization is Now Required to Provide the Mechanisms, Time, Training, And Resources for the Consultation and Participation of Workers, The Policies Shall Be Developed in English And Any Other Local Language for The Ease of Communication at the Worker Level,

 Organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities

Top management should ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles within the management system are assigned and communicated at all levels within the organization and maintained as documented information.

top management is responsible for the management system, even if the day-to-day activities related to occupational health and safety are delegated to others.

top management should assign the responsibility and authority for:

  • Ensuring That the OHS Management System Conforms to The Requirements of ISO 45001.
  • Reporting on The Performance of The OHS Management System to Top Management.

This Can Be Done Through the JD (Job Description), Document,

The Responsibilities Can Be Integrated With The Business / Organizational Responsibilities,

 Consultation and Participation of Workers

 Top management shall ensure the participation and consultation of the workers in defining the company policies, and procedures, identifying the hazards, identifying the risk involved in the same, modifying the workstations and hazardous storage area, and introducing new methods to reduce/eliminate the risk and hazard, investigating the accidents/ incidents. non-conformities and determining the corrective action on the same, involve the workers in identifying the needs and expatriation of workers, monitoring the hazards and risk level, involve them in continual improvement program, identifying the emergency situation and placing the mechanism to handle the emergency situations, develop the ohs procedures and other documents,

To achieve this: The organization shall provide necessary training to the workers, provide relevant information about the ohs management system in a timely manner, establish a safety committee consisting of managerial and non-managerial employees, conduct safety meetings, place the suggestion box, conduct the monthly meeting and toolbox talks, discuss the ohs performance on monthly/weekly basis, plan the worker training and development program, etc…

Document Requirements of ISO 45001 for Clause # 5

  1. Responsibilities and Authorities Within OHS (Job Description)
  2. OHS Policy.
  3. Documented Procedure for Consultation and Participation.
  4. Record of Participation and Consultation of works and supervisor in Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Identification of Legal requirement and Implementation Legal Requirements, Implementation of OHS controls & Monitoring the OHS performance, etc
  5. Record of Training of workers/supervisors for related areas of Participation  

How to Implement ISO 45001 requirement of this clause

Provide training to all the employees and concerns, on OHS and ISO 45001 requirements

Develop the documentation required for implementation purposes as required by the standard,

display the policies within the organization

Conduct the internal audit and management review to verify the effectiveness of the implementation,

Take correction action for the gaps analyzed during the internal audit,

Benefits of implementation of the Clause to the organization.

The organizations develop a procedure for operating its system,

Specific roles and responsibilities are given to people and are documented and communicated,

Worker involvement is seen in developing the organizational policies, and procedures, involved in accident investigation.

How to Get ISO 45001 Certified

After the Complete Implementation of ISO 45001 requirements in the organization, which includes the following (But not Limited)

  • OHS policy and Objective Implemented
  • Relevant Procedures developed and Implemented
  • Training on ISO 45001 requirements has been provided to all concerned and they are understood the requirements
  • Legal Requirements are Identified and their Compliances are maintained & up to date
  • Hazard Identification and OHS Risk Analysis has been conducted and record maintained
  • Emergency Preparedness Prepared and Mock Drill Conducted
  • A record of an Accident / Incident is maintained along with a record of Investigation.
  • An internal Audit was Conducted and Corrective action of NC was taken
  • Management Review Meeting Conducted and out Put of MRM is recorded.

Once the above activities / Requirement of ISO 45001 is completed the organization can apply for ISO 45001 Certification.

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