ISO 14001:2015 certification standard was published on 15th September 2015 it is the 3rd edition of EMS, and this standard will replace ISO 14001:2004. The ISO 14001:2004 Standard – will not be valid for certification – 3 years from the date of publication of ISO 14001:2015.
ISO 14001:2015 certification -This standard is known as the Environmental Management System – The organization can implement this standard to enhance the organizational Environmental performance, Fulfill the compliance obligations (Legal and Other Requirements), and meets the Environmental objectives of the organization.
This EMS standard applies to any organization in case of any size, type, and applicable Environmental aspects, product, and services that the organization determines it can either control or influence considering a life cycle perspective.
The new requirements / Concept added to this standard are
Risk Base Thinking – for Environmental Management Systems ISO ISO 14001:2015 Certification
As the current business practices, there is a big challenge to the Organization to improve environmental performance and keep improving the Performance. There are various factors affecting this – which include – Scarcity of Natural Resources, amendments in compliance obligations, frequent changes in the expectations of interested parties, etc. So environmental management has become crucial to overall business management
Risk-based thinking for Environmental Management provides a systematic and planned approach to managing environmental issues such as Significant Environmental aspects, Compliance obligations, and expectations of the Interested Party which are likely to impact the organization. Risk Assessment and providing the opportunity for improvements
Environmental Policy
The Environmental Policy shall include commitments to the protection of the Environment including the prevention of Pollution and Other Specific commitments relevant to the context of the organization.
Address the Risk and Opportunity
Determination of Risk and Opportunity related to its environmental aspects, Compliance Obligations, Internal & External Issues, and Need and Expectations of the Interested Party.
Operational Planning and Control
The Requirements of life cycle perspective
- During the design and development process for the product or service, consider each life cycle stage and ensure that its environmental requirement is addressed.
- While procurement of products and services determines its environmental requirements.
- The organization shall communicate its relevant environmental requirement(s) to external providers, including contractors.
- The Organization shall provide information about potential significant environmental impacts associated with the transportation or delivery, use, end-of-life treatment, and final disposal of its products and services
ISO 14001:2015 Certification Requirements
The ISO 14001:2015 certification requirements for Implementation are given in Clause # 4 to Clause # 10 of this standard. Are Given Below
- Context of the Organization
- Understanding the organization and its context
- Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
- Determining the scope of the environmental management system
- Environmental management system
- Leadership and Commitment
- Environmental Policy
- Organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities
- Actions to address risks and Opportunities
- Environmental Aspects
- Compliance Obligations
- Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them
- Resources, Competence, Awareness, Communication, Documented Information
- Operational planning and control
- Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and Evaluation
- Evaluation of Compliance
- Internal Audit
- Management Review
- Nonconformity and corrective action
- Continuous Improvement
Benefits for ISO 14001:2015 Certification for an Organization.
A systematic approach to environmental management can provide top management with information to build success over the long term and create options for contributing to sustainable development by:
– Protecting the organization from adverse Environmental aspects produced by the organization from significant Environmental Impacts.
– Preventing the organization from the potential adverse effect of environmental conditions on the organization
– Complying with Applicable Legal and other requirements and keeping up to date with the compliances. Protecting an organization from any penalty or any other Serious issue of compliance.
– Over the environmental performance of the organization improved.
– controlling or influencing the way the organization’s products and services are designed,
manufactured, distributed, consumed, and disposed of by using a life cycle perspective that can
prevent environmental impacts from being unintentionally shifted elsewhere within the life cycle
– achieving financial and operational benefits.
– Credibility among stokehold enhanced and strengthen the organization’s market position
– Contribute to the nation against Environmental protection.
– Interested Party Satisfaction level improved
Documentation requirements for ISO 14001 Certification
The following documents are required for ISO 14001 Certification to demonstrate the implementation of EMS in the organization (But it is not Limited)
– Record of Internal and External issues related to EMS
-Record of Needs and Expectations of Interested Party related to EMS
– EMS Policy and Objectives
– Record of Role and Responsibility
– Record of Environmental aspects and analysis of their Impact
-Record of Risk Analysis
– Record of Compliance Obligation – Applicable legal and other requirements and their compliances
-Record of Competency, Awareness, and Communication
-Control of Documents and Control of Records
– Record of Operational Planning and controls
– Record of Mock Drills for Emergency Situations
– Record of EMS Performance Monitoring
– Record of Internal Audit
-Record of Management Review Meeting
-Record of Nonconformity and corrective action
– Record of Continual Improvements and its program