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ISO 14001 Certification Process

ISO 14001 Certification

ISO 14001 Certification Process

ISO 14001 is an Environmental Management System Standard – which is adopted by the organization for ISO 14001 Certification. ISO Experts has taken the opportunity to explain the ISO 14001 Certification process in this blog in view the provide a detailed understanding of the ISO 14001 Certification process. So that the user organization can be benefited and get ISO 14001 Certified.

Let’s Understand What is ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System Standards

ISO 14001 is an Environmental Management System Standard that provides the framework required to manage the Environmental aspects and maintain compliance obligations.  The entire objective behind the Environmental Management System is to prevent or Reduce Pollution, efficiently use Natural Resources, improve waste management so that it will not become a Potential Risk to the environment, maintain the ecological balance within the ecosystems, etc.

As per Environmental Management Experts, now it is the social responsibility of every member of society to save the environment from Pollutions, and misuse of Natura resources, Waste Management also Govt across the National and International level are very much focused on Environmental Management in view to protect the Environ for our survival and for our future generation.

Environmental Management System ISO 14001 is an ISO Standard, which provides the framework required to protect the environment from adverse effects, ISO 14001 provides a systematic approach to organizations for

  • Protecting the environment from adverse environmental effects by managing the significant environmental impacts
  • Full fill the applicable compliance obligations
  • Improving the overall environmental performance of the organization by proper management of Environmental aspects and Risk-Analysis
  • Controlling the products and services of the organization – considering the life cycle perceptive of the products and services – when are in use or after the life of the products – It should be handled or disposed of in such a way that it cannot harm the environment

So as per Environmental Management Expert’s View – this is the key objective of the Environmental Management System – ISO 14001.

ISO 14001 Certification Process

As per ISO Expert’s view for ISO 14001 Certification process, the organization needs to understand the Requirement of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, the summarized key requirement of ISO 14001 is provided below as a ready reference for user organization, but it is advised the user organization for understating the detailed requirement Kindly refer to ISO 14001:2015 Standard only.

The Key Requirements of ISO 14001 are

  • Identification of Environmental Aspects
  • Environmental Aspects analysis for Its Impact on the Environment
  • Identification of applicable Environmental Legal requirements and fulfilling the compliance requirements
  • Overall Risk Analysis of Internal & External issues, Significant Environmental aspects, and Compliance Obligation.
  • Monitoring the Environmental Performance of the organization considering all possible factors.

ISO 14001 Certification Process

As per ISO Expert’s view for ISO 14001 Certification, the organization needs the make the organizational Environmental Policy & Objective, take the necessary action on significant environmental aspects, and fulfill the compliance obligations. Also, implement the applicable possible requirements of ISO 14001:2015. Once the organization completes the implementation apply for ISO Certification to an accredited ISO Certification Body and get ISO 14001 Certification.

Steps for IDO 14001 Certification Process

  • Implements ISO 14001:2015
  • Apply to ISO Certification Body
  • Get ISO 14001 Certification

For More Information about ISO 14001 Certification process kindly watch the video provided below

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