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ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety Management

Occupational Health and Safety

ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Occupational Health and Safety at the workplace has become one of the prime requirements of any organization where there is a potential for accidents, incidents, and health issues of employee /contractor/ Sub-Contractor / guest / Interested Party.

As we know that most organization/industry comes with their own risks as per their process/product manufacturing/service provision. It is the organization’s duty to make sure that their employees/visitors / whoever enters the organizational premises / interested parties are safe and healthy at the workplace.

There were many health hazards in the workplace and accidents which came along with the work causing a lot of economic damage to the family of the employee and the organization too. Every organization has its own list of risks that they need to address for the safety of its own employees.

If the workplace is not capable of keeping the employees fit and healthy then there will be issues and leaves hence, costing a lot to the company. The other costs that the company will bear are a loss of skilled labor, reduced productivity, loss of business reputation, etc.

To implement the employees’ health and safety in the workplace it is the employer’s prime responsibility, for this organization needs to identify the OHS hazards associated with its product/process/services, make the OHS risk analysis, and apply engineering controls to mitigate the risk or to control the OHS hazard which is potential to cause accident / Incident/ health issues. There are many ways to control the Hazard

  • Identify the Hazard
  • Do the Risk Analysis
  • Skip the processes causing hazards if possible or
  • Apply Engineering controls to minimize the hazard or use safety gears to avoid the risk
  • Provide periodic safety training to the employees to recognize/minimize the Hazard
  • Implement an emergency plan to tackle the adverse / emergency situation
  • Make periodic evaluations to verify the safety performance

ISO 45001 is an Occupational Health and Safety Management System

ISO has developed an Occupational Health Safety Management System Standard – ISO 45001. Which is most widely adopted by the organization for ISO 45001 implementation and ISO 45001 Certification. With an objective to reduce the OHS Risk at work Place and prevent accidents / Incidents / Ill-Health at work Place.

ISO 45001 is an Occupational Health and Safety Management System – By implementing Occupational health and safety management system within the organization. Organization can have

  • Controlled accidents, Incidents, ill-Health Issues
  • Improved OHS Performance.
  • Improved reporting and Communication
  • Compliance with OHS Legal Requirements

ISO 45001 occupational health and Safety Management System can help in managing safety and health norms in the organization. OHSMS help in implementing the applicable OHS laws and ensuring a safe environment for employees. ISO 45001 will help in reaching the goals set by the OHS policy. Let us see the reasons to get the OHS system in place.

  • identify and address the health and safety risk
  • Create Health and Safety policies and stay committed
  • Identify and comply with the OHS legal requirement
  • Train Employees
  • Audit and review the System
  • Set an emergency plan and verify the response to it to improve further
  • Periodic safety compliance/performance monitoring to control or minimize the hazards within the organization.

If an organization wants to do well, the morale of the employee needs to be high. A workplace with occupational health and safety management system ensures that organizational employees are healthy and able to perform well with full moral which is transformed into results. Ill health issues may affect the personnel performance and henceforth the productivity of the organization hence an OHS management system keeps a watch on the risk and its reduction on regular basis.

Occupational Health & Safety Management System that contains practical information and best practices of OHS risk management and prevention of Injuries, ill health conditions & work-related safety, and complying with health & safety requirements. There are so many aspects to creating and maintaining a safe working environment that sometimes it’s easy to get lost in it all. To truly succeed in creating a safe place of work, the key is to develop and implement an effective safety management system.

To ensure Occupational Health Safety at work Place the organization must implement ISO 45001 in the organization and get ISO 45001 Certification by any accredited ISO Certification Bodies, to ensure that the implemented ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System is effective and meets the organization’s objective for Health Safety Requirements

ISO 45001 Certification Process

ISO 45001 Certification process is explained below – which could be helpful to organizations who are seeking ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety Management System Certification to ensure that implemented OHS Management System is effective and meets the organization’s OHS objective.

The organization may follow the following steps to understating ISO 45001 Certification process to get ISO 45001 Certification.

  • Understand the requirements of ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • Do the GAP Analysis – Current Safety Practice of the organization VS requirements of ISO 45001
  • Address the requirements of ISO 45001 – which are not in practice – take necessary action – i.e Changes in the organization/infrastructure (If required), Develop Documents/Policies / Procedures/ etc.
  • Implements the changes in the organization.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the OHS performance of the organization.
  • Review the effectiveness of OHS implemented Management System of the organization by conducting Internal Audit.
  • Conduct the Management review meeting to review the suitability, and adequacy of the OHS Management System, resource requirements Continual improvement, etc.

Once these activities are completed can apply to ISO Certification Body to get ISO 45001 Certification.

Hope the above information will be helpful to the organization who are looking for ISO 45001 Certification for their organization and add value to the organization to enhance the OHS performance and reduce accidents/incidents / ill-Health at the workplace.


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