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ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management?

Occupational Health and Safety

What is ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management?

ISO 45001:2018 is an Occupational Health Safety Management System Standard -As per OH&S Experts view there is potential for physical and mental health issues at works place, in the organization due to organizational activities, product, process, behavior, governances, cultural, working practices which leads to physical and mental health concern to employee, visitors, contractor, sub-contractor or any interested party who are affected by the activities of the organization. ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety Management system standard provides the framework for managing the Occupational Health & Safety Risk.

What is ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System

As we have understood that ISO 45001 is the Framework for managing the OHS Risk In the organization.  ISO 45001:2018 Standard was developed and published by ISO in year 2018, which has now replaced OHSAS 18001:2007. The objective of OHS Management System is providing safe and healthy workplace by effective implementation of OHS preventive controls to reduce the potential OHS Risk and full fill the OHS Legal & other requirements. So, the Ill Health, accident, Incidents, work related injury can be prevented.

As per ISO 45001 requirement, the framework for managing the OHS Risk are (but not limited)

  • Established the OHS Policy & Objective
  • OHS Hazard Identification
  • OHS Risk Analysis
  • Full fill the OHS Legal and Requirements
  • Implement the Controls on Significant OHS Hazard / OHS Risk
  • Monitor the Performance of implemented Safety Controls
  • Monitor the overall OHS Performance of the organization.

As per OHS Expert view by proper OHS Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment, the organization can be able to identify the Potential area in the organization, which may cause – Ill Health, Work Related Injury, mental Health issue and other OHS related issues.  So, the organization can take necessary preventive control measure to reduce the OHS Risk in the organization.

ISO 45001 Certification

After the proper implementation of ISO 45001:2018 requirements in the organization, the organization may opt to get ISO 45001 Certified from Accredited ISO Certification body. who provides the Accredited ISO 45001 Certification? The ISO 45001 Certification provides the confidence to organization’s Management, workers, Clients, supplier, contractor, sub-contractor Regulatory Body and interested party, the organization has implemented the Occupational Health & Safety Management System in the organization and OHS Risks are managed effectively.

ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Requirement

As per OHS Experts view it is suggested that to know the requirement of ISO 45001 for implementation of Occupational Health & Safety Management System in the organization refer to ISO 45001:2018 standard only. Which will provide the correct requirements of ISO 45001.  The Summarized key requirements are given below for reference, which will give you the overall idea of requirement but for implementation refer ISO 45001:2018.

Context of the organization

Understanding the organization and its context

Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties

Leadership and worker participation

OH&S policy

Consultation and participation of workers

Actions to address risks and opportunities

Hazard identification and assessment of risks and opportunities

Operational planning and control

Performance evaluation

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