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ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety

ISO 45001 Certification

ISO 45001 occupational health & Safety Management System, the standard was released in 2018, this standard has suppressed OHSAS 18001-2007, the latest Publication of ISO 45001:2018 is 12th March 2018, Validity of Accredited Certification of OHSAS 18001:2007 is till 11th March 2021, before that every organization needs to go for the transition.

The purpose of the ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety management system is to provide a framework for managing OH&S risk, the outcome of the OHS is to prevent the work-related injury and ill health to workers and to provide, a safe & healthy workplace, it eliminates the hazards & minimizes risk by taking effective preventive & protective measures, it enables the organization to provide safe & healthy workplace by preventing the work-related injury & ill health as well as proactively improving its OHS performance.

Implementing the OHS management enables the organization to manage its OH&S risks & improve its OH&S performance, An OH&S management system can assist an organization to fulfil its OHS legal requirements and other requirements.

ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety required – to reduce the work related to injury, eliminate Occupational Health Safety hazards and minimize the OH&S risk.

How to Reduce the Occupational Health Safety Risk at Workplace

The requirement of ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety Management is provided below. Which could help the organization understand OHS requirements. By applying ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety requirements within the organization. The organization can reduce the Occupational Health Safety Risk at Workplace

ISO 45001 can be used in whole or in part to systematically improve occupational health & safety management, however, it claims that conformity to the standard is not acceptable unless all its requirements are incorporated into an organization’s OHS fulfillment without exclusion.

Requirements of ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety

  • Context of the Organization – the organizations need to identify the internal/ external issue considering its activities.
  • Needs & Expectation interested parties – the organization needs to consider the employees/ Workers, neighbors, Stakeholders, regulatory body, customers, contractors, and suppliers, and identify the present needs & future expectations.   
  • Organizational roles, responsibilities & authorities – The organization should communicate the roles, responsibilities & authorities of each worker/ employee considering the OHS requirements.
  • Consultation and participation of workers – here the organization needs to involve the workers at all levels, consultation in determining the needs & expectations of interested parties, establishing the OHS policy, defining the OHS objectives, determining the controls for outsourcing procurement & contractors, and complying the applicable legal requirements. Ensuring the internal audit.
  • Participation: The organization shall make the workers in identifying the hazards and assessing the risks and opportunities, determine the action to eliminate the hazards & risks, identify the training need identification, establish the channel for communication, and participate in incident investigation.
  • Action to address risk & opportunities – this clause requires the organization to establish the criteria to identify the significant & significant risks arising from the context of the organization, needs & expectations of interested parties, hazard analysis & OHS risk, legal requirements, and other requirements.
  • Hazard Identification and risk assessment of risk and opportunities – The organization should conduct the Hazard Identification and risk assessment of risk and opportunities considering the routine & non-routine Activities, Assess the hazard & implement the operational control to reduce the severity of the OHS risk.
  • Determine the applicable legal & other requirements & Evaluation of compliances – the management should identify the applicable legal & other requirements considering the product requirements, identify hazards, establish operational control, comply with the legal requirements & conditions & shall communicate the same throughout the organization.
  • Operations Control – this clause requires the organization to establish operational control considering the significant & on significant risks arising from the context of the organization, needs & expectations of interested parties, hazard analysis & OHS risk, legal requirements, and other requirements.
  • Emergency Preparedness & Response – the organization needs to develop a procedure where the potential emergency situations considering the OHS hazards, geographical location, and product requirements, the organization shall conduct a mock drill considering the same situation and check the effectiveness of the system.
  • Monitoring & Measurement of the OHS Performance – this clause requires the organization to monitor the OHS performance on the establish operational control considering the significant & significant risks arising from the context of the organization, needs & expectations of interested parties, hazard analysis & OHS risk, legal requirements, and other requirements, incident investigation.

Benefits of ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety implementation in the organization & getting ISO 45001 certification.

  • Safe work environment
  • Less OHS hazards at the workplace.
  • Reduced incidents & Accident at the Workplace
  • Cost Reduction
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction.
  • Effective emergency plan,
  • Promotes Health safe work environment
  • Fewer incidents
  • Complying with applicable OHS legal & other requirements
  • Effective operational control
  • Enhanced participation from workers & Consultation
  • Overall organization performance will be enhanced

Why ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety Certification is required.

Once the organization implemented the ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety Management System in the organization.  it is general practice to get ISO 45001 Certified from accredited ISO Certification Bodies. To ensure that the OHS Management System implemented in the organization is effective and OHS performance of the organization is monitored effectively to ensure the Health and Safety of the organization.

Also, ISO 45001 Certification provides confidence to interested parties and clients of the organization that the OHS Management System of the organization is effective.

Who provides ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety Certification?

There are many accredited ISO Certification Bodies in India – that provides ISO 45001 Certification. We are one of the leading ISO Certification Body in India providing Management System Certification (ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, and ISO 27001 Certification). The organization Looking for ISO 45001 Occupational Health Safety Certification may contact us.

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