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Occupational Health Safety – ISO 45001 Certification Process Guidance

ISO 45001

Occupational Health Safety through ISO 45001 Certification Process – it is for the safety of human beings at the workplace – where they are working. As we know that key resource for any organization is the employee and the safety of the employee is the prime responsibility of the organization as it is the key resource of the organization – who drives the business and brings the organization to perform smoothly as per the organization’s expectations.

When the employee of the organization is healthy and safe while working in the organization the organization will run smoothly and become successful in the delivery of products & services to their clients.

So, to run a successful organization to meet the needs and expectations of customers and interested parties the organization’s Management must keep the priority of health and safety of their employees at the workplace as they are the key resources of the organization.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed the standard on Occupational Health and Safety – ISO 45001 – The requirements said in the ISO 45001 standards are in generic nature (not for specific organizations). So, any type / Size / Product/service of the organization can adapt for implementation in the organization for enhancement of OHS performance of the organization to maintain the Occupational Health and Safety at the organization.

Occupational Health Safety – ISO 45001 Certification Process Guidance

As we have understood the importance of Occupational Health and Safety for organizations. Now we are providing the Guidance of Occupational Health Safety – ISO 45001 Certification process – which could help the organization who is seeking ISO 45001 Certification or the organization that already has implemented the OHS Management System in the organization wants to further enhance the OHS performance of the organization.

Let’s understand ISO 45001 Certification process is generally categorized into two parts

  • Implementation of Occupational Health Safety Management System – ISO 45001 in the organization.
  • ISO 45001 Certification by an accredited ISO Certification Body.

Implementation of Occupational Health Safety Management System – ISO 45001 in the organization.

When the organization’s Management has taken the decision to implement of Occupational Health Safety Management System Standard – ISO 45001 in the organization, the following activities are to be taken into consideration (But not limited).

  • Understand the requirement of ISO 45001 Standards and provide the necessary training to all possible key personnel in the organization.
  • Do the Gap analysis with reference to current Business practices of the organization Vs ISO 45001 requirements in the context of Occupational Health and Safety.
  • If there is any Gap between the ISO 45001 requirements and Vs organization’s current practices – address them
  • Develop the organization’s OHS Policy & Objectives
  • Identify the Internal and External issues of the organization – which are effective in the Occupational Health Safety performance of the organization.
  • Identify the needs & Expectations of the Interested parties including workers.
  • Identify the OHS Hazards in the organization, do the Hazard Risk Analysis – Take the necessary action to reduce its significance.
  • Identify the applicable Occupational Health Safety regulations and maintain its compliances
  • Improve the Participation and Consultation of workers / Key Personal/Supervisors etc in Designing / Development/ Implementation / Monitoring the Occupational Health and Safety Management System

These are the basic guidelines for Occupational Health Safety Management System implementation in the organization – Including these activities – the Documentation, Internal Audit, MRM, and Training are some additional parts of implementation to demonstrate the compliance of OHS implementation – which we will address in the Next blog in more details.

ISO 45001 Certification Process Guidance

Once the organizations have completed the ISO 45001 Implementation in the organization and completed the Internal Audit & Management Review meeting.  The organization can find an accredited ISO Certification Body – that provides the ISO 45001 Certification. After the Finalization of the ISO Certification body, the organization applies for ISO 45001 Certification to Certification Body. The Certification Body will plan to visit the organization for an Audit of implemented Occupational Health Safety Management System – ISO 45001.  After the Audit, if the Auditor Team found compliances with ISO 45001 in the organization, they will recommend the organization for ISO 45001 Certification.

We have that the above-provided Occupational Health Safety – ISO 45001 Certification Process Guidance – is helpful to the organization that are seeking ISO 45001 Certification. Feel free to write us on this matter – We are also a leading ISO Certification body providing ISO 45001 Certification.

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